Embark on an epic journey with Craftomation 101 – the groundbreaking game by Luden.io. Land on a frozen planet, harness the power of programming, and craft a world of possibilities. Harvest materials, utilize visual programming for tiny robots, and build a self-sustaining robot workforce to terraform the planet. Explore the frozen expanse, script your own destiny, and transform the inhospitable into the extraordinary.
Craftomation 101 invites you to dive into a world of craft and programming. Unveil the tempting features that await you:
Tiny Robots:
Discover the charm of tiny robots, your key to automation and crafting.
Visual Programming (for Tiny Robots):
Master the art of visual programming to script the actions of your tiny robotic companions.
Crafting (Performed by Tiny Robots):
Witness the magic of crafting as your tiny robots bring your creations to life.
A Rocket (Carrying One Tiny Robot):
Begin your adventure on a frozen planet with a tiny rocket carrying a robot with a big mission.
Story :
Immerse yourself in a captivating narrative that unfolds as you embark on the quest to make a frozen planet habitable.
A Frozen Planet to Terraform:
Challenge yourself with the task of transforming a frozen wasteland into a thriving habitat.
Land on a frozen planet with a mission spanning over 9000 years. Harvest resources, craft tools, melt ice, and plant trees to make the planet habitable. Alternatively, unleash the power of CraftoMate – tiny robots scripted with visual programming.
Assemble and upgrade them with surrounding materials, and program them to harvest, craft, and become a sustainable workforce capable of terraforming the entire planet. Just remember to feed them occasionally, unless you program them to do it themselves. Craft your destiny in Craftomation 101!