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Videocart 8 Nim Fairchild a Channel F game

Videocart 8 Nim catch the computer in a binary bind, and you win every time! Nim is the oldest two-person mathematical game known to man.

General Information

Developer - Fairchild

Publisher - Fairchild

Release - 1977

Platform(s) - Fairchild Channel F

Number of Players - 2

Genre - Educational

Nim is the oldest two-person mathematical game known to man. Nim is believed to be Chinese in origin. The basis of the game is simple.

There are several piles of objects. Each pile contains from 1 to 15 objects. Each player takes turn taking any number of objects out of any pile. You have to take at least one object, and you can take objects out of only one pile. The player who takes the last object off the table wins.

In this version of Nim, you play against the computer. You have a choice of 3, 6, or 9 piles. The objects in the piles are numbers, 1 to 15. The player who takes the last number off the screen wins.