Embark on an intergalactic adventure with RIFTSTORM, a co-op top-down action shooter by Mythic Protocol. As an elite secret operative, face cosmic threats, hunt supernatural creatures, and explore strange new worlds. Experience intense roguelite combat, team up for thrilling co-op PvE, and master the unknown in this instant-action, long-term mastery game.
In RIFTSTORM, the cosmos comes alive with co-op chaos. Take on the role of an elite secret operative in this top-down action shooter, where threats beyond our understanding await. Engage in intense roguelite combat, weaving through cosmic encounters, and customize each run to your operative's strengths. The unknown is your battleground, filled with myths and nightmares.
The heart of RIFTSTORM beats with intense roguelite combat. Shoot, dodge, and adapt to ever-changing challenges as you traverse strange new worlds. Each mythic encounter and rift incursion presents a unique set of threats and opportunities. Customize your operative's abilities, experiment with playstyles, and emerge victorious in the face of cosmic peril.
Prove that teamwork conquers all as you embark on thrilling cooperative play. Team up with allies to face increasingly challenging encounters, each demanding strategic coordination and skillful execution. The more you conquer together, the greater the rewards. In RIFTSTORM, the best operatives achieve more together.
RIFTSTORM strikes a balance between instant action and long-term mastery. Jump into the chaos at your own pace, experiencing the adrenaline of intense encounters. Build on your skills and reflexes over time, evolving into a master operative capable of navigating the unknown with precision and expertise.
Arm yourself for a journey into a realm where myths and nightmares take tangible form. In the universe of RIFTSTORM, supernatural entities are known as Mythics, and you are an Operative facing them head-on. Peer into the unknown, confront cosmic horrors, and emerge as a legendary operative in a world teeming with secrets and challenges.
RIFTSTORM by Mythic Protocol is more than a game; it's an interstellar odyssey. Immerse yourself in the cosmic chaos of this top-down action shooter, where cooperative mayhem, dynamic roguelite combat, and the mysteries of the unknown converge. Join the ranks of elite operatives, face the myths and nightmares, and become a master of the RIFTSTORM.